What Does Twitter Have to Do With Revolution? (Video of My Talk at Columbia U)

A talk I gave on March 5th at Columbia University about how and why social media plays an increasingly important role in social movements, especially in authoritarian countries:

The previous speaker I refer to is Bob Garfield of NPR whose talk had visual examples from a Krispy Kreme ad campaign. As I sat and listened to him, I thought that I better warn people that my talk will contain different kinds of visuals!

After a year of studying and talking about the Arab uprisings, I fear that my standards for “graphic content” have been dramatically altered. I often need to remind myself –and my audiences– of that fact–and that’s what I’m trying to do in the first minute of the talk…

Also, as background: More of my conceptual approach can be found here in this short article I had written for MIT’s tech review: New Media and the People-Powered Uprisings.

2 thoughts on “What Does Twitter Have to Do With Revolution? (Video of My Talk at Columbia U)

  1. Geoff Walker

    Is there any evidence as clusters of activity grow and disperse, that there is a critical mass of activists linking the various clusters?

  2. Pingback: Offline + Online: A New Story of Impact | The Meta-Activism Project

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